Thursday, August 2, 2012

TOOL #10

I want students to know and understand the copyright and fair use guidelines. I think many students struggle with how to put thoughts into their own words. There is a power point on Childnet that addresses this issue well. I also want students to understand the importance of keeping their passwords secret from all peers and friends. There are some cyberbullying videos that stress the unfortunate experience of friends betraying friends to a live audience. I think it is important for students to be kind and constructive when commenting online. Students should keep in mind that it takes courage to post thoughts online. These three ideas are important to me in teaching my students about digital citizenship.

I looked at many of the videos and websites listed on the resource page. Some were good and some were not. I would like to show something about copyright and fair use. I think I need help in explaining this to students. The powerpoint/activity is a good resource. I think a video on the cyberbullying would be good as well. I think teaching would include students looking at passages from the internet and having them work to put those thoughts in their own words. Then I would show them examples. I think this skill needs to be taught and learned. It does not come easy. There also appear to be some good games on Childnet for learning about digital citizenship.

I have edited my parent letter that goes home the first week to include information about digital citizenship and its importance in my classroom. I have mentioned it in past years but not to the extent I think it will be needed this year. I now have a lot more knowledge to share with parents about digital citizenship. Hopefully teacher letters in combination with the district letters to parents will help this technology shift happen more smoothly.

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